Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever. Psalms 118:1
281. Thankful for the wedding for Carson and Bri House this evening. We missed being there (Indiana), but so excited for their future in the Lord together.
282. Thankful for Prayer time with the Lord, I can't ever be thankful enough for this, Talk time with Jesus. I like to write out my prayers (not every time), but helps me focus.
283. All the new books I have read, bible studies I have done over the years. My favorite one has been our Fervent book by Priscilla Shriver. I learned so much about making prayer strategies, going to battle for your family with prayer, and praying out scriptures.
284. So thankful for my Tuesday night bible study class, Straight up Truth
285. Momma Jack
286. Thankful for new and old friendships.
287. Accountability partners
288. Getting to work the last 3 Women Closer Walks.
289. A new camera 2 years ago.
290. Good times with our Williamson family that are family to us.
291. Fun times at Lake JB Thomas.
292. Fun pool for our family in our backyard, blessing from Grandma.
293. Paying July's mortgage today.
294. Jared getting his own space, new room..kinda..sharing the computer room.
295. AJ cleaning the floor of his room on his own today without being asked.
296. The boys can wash, dry, and put up the dishes together.
297. Daily scriptures with my boys, for the most part.
298. Teaching AJ cursive this summer.
299. Self Control. I am doing better at watching less TV, and focusing on only quality TV, and spending more time reading then watching TV.
300. Thankful for good books to read this summer.
301.Thankful for my job in this hard season we have been in. I have a lot of quiet moments at work and I have used those for prayer, journaling and reading my bible.
302. I have always loved crocheting and thankful for the yarn and the resources to do it. I have been to learn new kinds of granny squares and how to join as I go.
303.Making a Texas Tech (the colors) for Jared, corner to corner stitch pattern.
304. Slowly but surely working on our house, removing clutter and keeping it picked up.
305. Jared can fold amazing, such a big help.
306. Rain, we have receive a good amount this year, after a long drought
307. My WILD kids from church, love them as my own, and their families.
308. Worshiping Jesus with song, daily!
309. Hair tutorials on YouTube.. my hair is getting longer. =)
310. My husband bald with a goatee. The best!
311. Amazing time with our family in Indiana at the Lake. 28th year.
312. My oldest brother celebrating a BIG milestone this year.
313. My brothers, simply put!
314. The time my Dad INVEST with our phone conversations. SO thankful!
315. Gods unconditional love.
316. Team Jesus, that is my #1 Team!
317. Our sweet 93 old neighbor, Mrs. Merritt. I love getting to have sweet visits with her as often as I can. She was a kindergarten teacher for 45 years back in the day and I love learning from her. She is a powerful woman of God. My boys love to come with me, and show her their cursive they have been doing.
318. AC!!!!! The high this past week was 106.
319. A job that is indoors. =)
320. The beautiful clouds in the sky, I love how they never look the same, Gods creations daily.
322. Sweet time with my Grandma Bonnie this summer. Singing with her, reading scripture together, praying and catching up. She is ready to be in Gods glory but it hasn't been Gods timing yet.
323. Quality time as a family at the lake, no technology, just sharing life together.
324. Taking the time to share soooo many good memories about my Grandmother as a family. "She was likeable, loveable, and sassy," said Peyton. (Oldest great grandchild)
325. Gods Grace and patience He gives me daily!
326. Jared got to go to KFN camp for the 5th time this summer. He grew so much in his faith and had a great time.
327. Jessica Bowlin, my partner in children's ministry. She is the leader, and I admire her love for the kids, a big heart for our next generation.
328. Our Mayor of Snyder, Tony Wofford, also my Senior Pastor. He is a big part of bringing back the Lords presence in our town, starting with prayer!
331. My nieces and nephews getting older. Lauren turned 10, Luke is 3 now, and George celebrated his 1st birthday just recently. Madi will be 9 next week. =)
332. A phone that works, even if its a dinosaur one. I am liking my "dumb" phone, I spent a lot less time on it!
333. Roof over our head, clothes on our back, and food in our belly~!
334. FOOD!!
336. My cousin, shared his testimony with us this summer and asked to be baptized in the lake. SO incredible to witness and be apart of!
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