I link up with Diary of a Stay at Home Mom every Monday for Happy Homemaker Monday. Check it out! I love her crochet projects and food.
The weather in my neck of the woods:
not bad.. just a little chilly
Things that make me happy:
That the holidays are over.. we had fun, but now back to normal. Getting extra time with Gabe over the weekend.
Book I'm reading:
Finishing Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman
What's on my TV today:
dumb stuff
On the menu for dinner:
popcorn and apples.. break from cooking
On my To Do List:
finish the never ending laundry.. and finish putting away Christmas decorations and get boys ready for school tomorrow..
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
we have been eating more different kinds of fish for dinner.. and my hubby has been doing the cooking when it comes it fish.. and it has been so good..
In the craft basket:
I am still working on a baby blanket.. even though I ran out of off white caron yarn and now waiting for my ever slow walmart to get more in.. and now working on a new blanket and it might just be for me for once.. I have never kept anything I made.

Looking forward to this week:
The boys going back to school.. and my speech delayed son showing his teacher how much he has learned and started to say over the holidays..
Tips and Tricks:
Call people on their birthday and not just leave them a Happy Birthday on their facebook wall. It is so much more personal!
My favorite blog post this week:
Don't have a new one this week. Still having fun with the iCrochet from last week.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
I discovered this one awhile back, and I wanted to share it now.
I hope to have a baby girl one day but until then I like looking at the hairstyles for little girls and also us ladies as well.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

It is my dad's 60th birthday today. This is him with my boys playing in the indoor pool last week after we had our Christmas celebration with him and my step mom.
Happy Birthday Dad, you are one handsome 60 year old. We love you!
Lesson learned the past few days:
To always take advantage of the time you have with your family.
On my mind:
My little one that is almost 4 is coming along and doing so great. He is delayed in a few areas and he has shown so much improvement in the past few weeks. He even for the first time today sang Happy Birthday all the way through to my Dad, his Papa.
**Also a sweet young lady that is missing from a town near by and friends of ours know her and her family personally.**

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
and do not lean on your own understanding.
6 In all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make straight your paths.
Proverbs 3:5-6
I learned the meaning of this big time last week.
1 comment:
Oh I like your baby blanket, it looks beautiful :)
And I totally agree about getting things back to normal after the holidays, I love the holidays but BOY am I glad when it's all back to our daily routine LOL
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