**I missed it yesterday, so I decided why not today** (Happy Homemaker Monday)
The weather in my neck of the woods:
Actually cold for once..
Things that make me happy:
Getting to see my hubby come home from work today. It was a surprise, he wasn't coming home until tomorrow night.
Book I'm reading:
Choosing to See by Mary Beth Chapman. - Learning alot, especially about grieving a loved one and "choosing to See."

What's on my TV today:
Food Network some today
On the menu for dinner:
My potato soup that I threw together with whatever sounded good and it was yummy along with the fresh pinto beans I made after they soaked all night. I was also in the baking mood. I made Chocolate Chip Cookie Pie and homemade brownies.
On my To Do List:
Organized Jared's closet and went through all his books and gave a bag of them away to our neighbor. He has so many, we are blessed. I am forever tackling the laundry.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
Southwest Dip by Paula Dean and Grilled Corn Salad, I saw both on Food Network today.
In the craft basket:
New Baby Blanket that I am doing and I just finished two crocheted hats for my nieces Christmas' gifts.

Looking forward to this week:
Got to visit with my Brother and SIL for 2 hrs yesterday on their way home and my dad and step mom are stopping by tomorrow for dinner and a late Christmas for my boys.

Tips and Tricks:
You tube video tutorials for crocheting. I am a visual learner and I have have already learned more from that then a pattern in a book that is hard to read.
Art of Crochet by Teresa is my favorite.
My favorite blog post this week:
I always enjoy Women Living Well I am encouraged and held accountable for my spiritual growth daily.
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
A new food blog that I just love and have already made quite a few of the recipes there. An added bonus Janelle that is the host of the blog is so kind and encouraging to her readers.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

**My kids were on the front page of the newspaper today in this picture** way cool
Lesson learned the past few days:
It is okay to say NO and put your immediate family first before others.
On my mind:
My extended family is getting together this weekend for our Boerger Christmas over the New Years holiday and we are not going for the first time in my entire life and first time in our marriage. Their are different reasons and I know it was the right choice. I am sad but glad at the same time because as a family, we are in a different season as the rest of the Boergers are, and we needed to take a step back.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: or Testimony..
God spoke to my husbands heart last week to take a few days off since he works out of town and we don't get to see each other a lot. Keep in mind Gabe is occurring vacation but can't use it till he hits a year. I didn't know he was going to do that till the time came. God let him know that we would be fine and know that He is in control.
My flesh was showing big time since I do all the bills, I was honestly stressing how was I going to make such a small check work. Well I stopped stressing and trusted the Lord and went about my day. Well an unexpected PAID photo shoot came along that I did and then I received an unexpected generous Christmas check in the mail. It more or less totaled what we were going to missing from his check. God knows what he is doing.
We had good family for the most part. Gabe and I got sick with a head cold and I was so glad he wasn't having to work with that darn thing because it wiped the energy out of you. He would of worked through it and not called in or anything and it would of taken him longer to get over it. Choosing to See and Trust!
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