These great pics are from the website taken the day of our concert. They sure have emotion to them!

This was my attempt from where I was sitting/standing and then the camera didn't want to work after that.
We also learned about a ministry call New Missions in Haiti. They have been there for 27 years now with over 10,000 students in the Christian schools. Thankfully all the kids had gone home when the earthquake hit. They are rebuilding now. Kari shared a story of when here BIL was in Haiti on a trip to help there where he could. He was driving along one of the roads and He saw a lot of kids by themselves with one young lady trying to take care of them.

They were all orphanages from the earthquake. She was trying to find them food and some shelter. They were slowing dying from no food or water. So he called Kari and she was able to get ahold of New Missions and they brought food for them and also food them a better location so they would be taken care off. Praise God!
This is one of my favs from her album. This isn't the concert we went to, this is from were she leads worship in Grapevine,Tx. I first saw her lead worship at Pink Impact back in 07.
We went to Rosa cafe after wards and had some yummy enchiladas and sopapillas. We had to get it to go because we had to drive back to Snyder and it was a school night for our kids. This was also Joyce's birthday weekend and most of the weekend she moved out of her house so this was a good ending.
Joyce and her son Luke are also staying with us during the week until school ends. Jared and Luke are in the same class at school, so that is how we meet them. They are moving back to Central Texas but wanting Luke to be able to finish school here. So the boys are having lots of fun together (especially sharing all their toys =)) and us mom's are happy to have adult conversation. Joyce has helped me so much with my house too, trying to get it all together and we cooked together as well. Life is Good!

The boys all playing together with their new sandbox with our little neighbor, Syrus.
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