I went to Gateway Church in Grapevine, Texas this past weekend. (September 6-8) The only word to truly describe it all is ANOINTING.
I went primarly to get to know the ladies from the church here in Tulia. My family and I first went to Tulia Chirstain Fellowship because Gabe would be on call and we couldn't drive to Plainview. We have just fallen in love with the worship there. I honestly can say that I was Hungry for more contemporary worship. I grew up on hymns and more or less formal worship. I still enjoy hymns but at this time I hunger for more upbeat worship with a praise band as a bonus!!! Tulia is also where we live and if I am going to get to know anybody here, church is the best place to start.
I didn't realize how powerful this weekend spiritually would be for me. As some of you know my past is quite ugly (the college years). I didn't realize that I have continued to carry so many burdens from my past still with me before this weekend.
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matt. 11:28
When we were in one of the worship services, and the worship leader said, "just let the heavens open up to you and let God surround you with his love..." I really felt embraced by God.. I could honestly feel his presence. I haven't felt that so evident before. I just broke down in tears and just literally "cried" out to God asking him for his forgiveness for my past and my sins. I went up to the front and this lady prayed with me and I continued to cry. After that was all done, I truely felt my "slate was white as snow.." The best part was I can truely feel ONE with my husband now. I didn't realize until now that I was cheating him of that. ..."Two shall become one."
Their was an amazing speaker there from Colorado. Her name was Lisa Bevere. She spoke on a few chapters from her book.

The bracelet along with the book is such a witness tool..
Heart: We are guardians of the heart.
Sword: We wield God's Word to elevate life.
Cross: Jesus is our ultimate love and source of life.
Stiletto Heel: The enemy is under our feet.
Boxing Glove: Strike when the enemy draws near.
Purse: Spend our influence wisely.
An insert from her book, ( in the form of a prayer)..
Heavenly Father,
I want to walk in truth and light. I want to reveal myself as the woman you created. Forgive me for hiding behind the facade of a man. I believe there is ultimately more power in my revelation as a woman. Holy Spirit, have Your way in my life. I want to fight my battle in my mightiest form. I will not draw back in fear, but I will boldly stake my claim to fight all that comes between my honor, my Lord, and my family. Amen.

She encouraged us to concentrate on our beauty within and less on the outside. I know that is very common thing that we all hear from time to time. We all want to be pretty in everyway. I know that when I concentrate on the inside beauty it reveals itself outwards, even so much more then just physically.
Charming is deceiving, and beauty is fleeting. But a woman who fears the Lord should be praised. Prov. 31:30
When she spoke about the enemy being at our car door after the conference..man was she ever right. He is their constantly trying to pull us down, wanting us to gossip, speak harsh words about others, let our anger get the best of us.. etc. I just have continue to pray that the enemy is not be welcomed in my life. This is a daily battle that I will continue to pick up my sword and fight.
Thoughts from this theme this weekend...
God has given us a clear picture of our portrait of destiny, and it is time to walk in the strength and authority of our King's calling. As His princess, you have been crowned with beauty, so join us and learn to walk in the greatness He has planned for you. A great impartation is coming and every woman will walk away crowned with the eternal vision of God.
Next year it is in March 27-29th, 2008. That is right at Andrew's first birthday but I still planned to go someway.

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