Thursday, July 24, 2008

What a Blessed Day!

My husband was able to take off a few days last week to rest after having a crazy 2 months. Did you ever know that rest does a body good? He is such a joy to be around again, caught up on sleep and feeling good. I also have started going to my accountability partners house on Wednesday night. We can share so openly and have grown already a lot in the Lord together just being accountable for each other in our walk with the Lord. Our latest praise is we both have been praying to cover our husbands in prayer daily. Well who says God doesn't listen when you take time to talk with Him. In His time of course. We have started going through Ephesians in the bible. My partner brought a great question.. What does it actually mean to be a submissive wife to our husbands? I learn tonight about keeping the unity, patience, being humble, speaking the truth in love, leading by example, and talking a look at ones self before passing judgment on others. Some of those answer the above questions and others are important lessons in life and marriage.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

you guys have to read "love & respect" it changed my out look so much :)