The weather in my neck of the woods:
It has just been beautiful. My hubby and kids even planted some flowers today.

Things that make me happy:
Knowing my Jesus is in control of my life.
Book I'm reading:
My bible. I have a few others I want to pick back up again, but haven't yet.
What's on my TV today:
I actually watched Charlie St. Cloud for the first time. It was really good.
On the menu for dinner:
I made a big dinner last night of Turkey Enchilada Casserole and salad so we had leftovers tonight.
On my To Do List:
A million things. We are leaving for a trip this week for a funeral and a wedding. Not the usual combo. My son is also having dental surgery on Tuesday so I am getting ready to drive to another town for that.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I tried ground turkey browned with red onion, garlic, red and green bell peppers in my enchilada casserole instead of hamburger meat. It was yummy!
In the craft basket:
I finished another baby girl blanket. It is for my friend of 15 yrs, for her 3rd baby.

Looking forward to this week:
Spending some needed family time by getting away, even though the schedule is busy, we are going to make sure we focus on being together as well.
Tips and Tricks:
We have put up most of my sons toys in storage because they only play with just a certain few all the time. It sure has helped keep their room cleaner and more room to play. If they want the others out then I just pull out a few, not all of them.
My favorite blog post this week:
These are friends that I met when going to a bible club on Thursdays when my little one was not in school yet. Well they now live in Honduras for the time being to travel abroad, they have a love for Spanish speaking people, and experience other cultures. A quote from the husband, Taylor, "We enjoy seeing the Christian church function in different cultures and yet, at the same time, in harmony with God's written word in the Bible."
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
http://hollingsworthblog.blogspot.com/ The one that I am talking about above.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

One of my moms handwritten recipes. I love to make this.
Lesson learned the past few days:
Again, live life to the fullest! My best friend of 15 yrs lost her mom to cancer coming back for the 3rd time this past week. She was an amazing lady and lived life to the fullest for sure! I learned a lot from her. She also gave God the glory everyday. She is now healed and dancing with Jesus along side my mom.

If you are even struggling with a grudge against anyone, give it to God! Instead of talking about that person, venting, or whatever you are doing, stop and start praying for that person. I have learned that big time today. The later works so much better!
On my mind:
Life and family.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
1 Thess. 5:15-18
15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
I love the baby blanket!
I am so sorry about your friend's mom. There are definitely people I need to stop and pray for. One in particular. Thanks so much for this post.
Happy Homemaker Monday
I really enjoyed reading your post today! You are such a wonderful child of God and let it be known to everyone how deeply in love with Him you are! Love you Sarah. Miss you lots. Have a safe trip to San Antonio. Enjoy your time at the wedding and I know you will be a HUGE comfort to your bff this weekend!
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