The weather in my neck of the woods:
The cold is coming in! Expecting snow tonight. We sure did enjoy a beautiful 70 degree weekend. Yes, this is Texas.. give it 5 minutes it will change.
Things that make me happy:
Turning 31 tomorrow and my hubby gets to be here for it and not out of town on work. Wahoo!
Book I'm reading:
Well I am trying to start the ones from last week.. just being honest.
Reading my bible for sure!
What's on my TV today:
Scooby Doo
On the menu for dinner:
Leftover stir fry from last night.
On my To Do List:
Well since my little one has been attacked by his asthma, we have been doing breathing treatments, meds and 3 hr round trip to the doctor. The cons of living in a small town. It was so worth it, I love his pediatrician and her nurse!
As tired as I am from being on mommy nurse duty all night, I am still with it and got a few chores down.
New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
A new lasagna recipe I saw on Food Network this past weekend. Fresh basil, sauteed zucchinni, mushrooms and Italian sausage, etc. Yummy!!
In the craft basket:
Finished the little girl blanket and now almost half way done with my all white blanket with pink trim with the same pattern.

Looking forward to this week:
My birthday.. well maybe. Getting AJ well!
Tips and Tricks:
I have found that with really thick and curly hair if I just blow it out every 3 days I will have pretty tamed hair, not my "crazy afro needs some help hair".
My favorite blog post this week:
Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Can't pick one at this time.
No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):
My son worshiping the Lord at Church with one of the flags.

Lesson learned the past few days:
Sleep when you can, some lame movie or episode of whatever tv show you are watching isn't worth the lack of sleep.
On my mind:
My sons health
My older sons behavior.
Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:
For it is God who works in you and to act according to his good purpose. Phil 2:13
Happy early Birthday!
What a cute blanket. It turned out great.
I hope your little guy feels better soon. :(
Hope you can stay warm in the storm!
WOOHOO 31! I turned 31 in October....I keep trying now to see it as a step to 40;) My son has asthma as well....frustrating to say the least.
I LOVE the picture of Jared with the JESUS flag! THat is sooo awesome!!!!!
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