Jared my oldest started kindergarten on Monday. I felt bad that I didn't cry but I figured if he hadn't gone to pre-k last year all day I would of probably felt different. He so acted like a pro on Monday. He kept comparing his kindergarten classroom to an amusement park. =) His teacher's name is Mrs. Griffith. This is her 13 th year teaching. This is her 2nd year back to kindergarten, teaching 2nd grade previously for 6 years. She grew up in Snyder, so she is a home town gal.

Jared was so happy to see 2 of his pre-k classmates from last year. They are in his class. One if them was his best bud, Rudy and his favorite girl, Kela. He saw her at open house and picked her up and spinned her around.

I asked Jared if he wanted to talk to his Nana in heaven on the way to school. He said yes and then proceeded to say, "Nana I am going to kindergarten and I know you are proud of me. I didn't cry I just smiled big.
I am working hard to get them on a good schedule and so far it is going well, still working on getting AJ to sleep at a good time. Jared thankfully is a morning person. I have been getting up more early to get things ready, so him and I can have breakfast together before I wake up AJ. He is very chipper in the morning, and as my sil, Abby says, AJ is a "dead fish." That is so true.
I asked Jared his favorite thing he learned about his first day, and he said the Pledge of Alligence. I told him he was silly! He has found more of his friends from last year on the play ground during the day and it nice to see familiar faces.
He was proud to tell his teacher about his award last year from pre-k. He even remembered the whole name of it. Jared has amazing memory let me tell you. His momma, not so much.

He has started repeating different songs that he is learning, and I know he will have more to tell me later. I asked him what did he do in his reading/language part of the day. He said, "Mom we don't do any reading stuff." I laughed and he laughed as well. I am so thankful that I am able to leave early from home to go get him because they have them outside waiting on the hot slab with no cover in front of the car lane. He is usually covering his head with his head because it is so hot. He was very thankful that I got there earlier today so he didn't cook in the sun. He called my dad after school and left him a message about how great his first day was. His second day went well as expected. I asked him how it went, and Jared said, "Totally good mom!"

AJ is doing wonderful in his PPCD program. Thankfully after finding out they had already moved him to the next class, I was able to talk with the principal and let him know I didn't feel he was ready for that. He thought I knew that was happening, and I didn't. He took care of it right away and put him right back in Mrs. Miller's class. I will be addressing that again at my next ARD meeting because I am a big part of the committee being his mom, and their was miss communication in me knowing they were transitioning him already. Gabe and I really like Mrs. Miller and God has such a special calling in her life to teach child with special needs. She is a God;y woman that I know prayers over her students.

His teacher said the first day that AJ acted like he hadn't been gone for the summer and just picked right back up where they had left off and so far no tears. He loves his teacher and so does Momma. Today his comment from his teacher was, "AJ is the leader of the class and listens well."
This is also the first time he has gone to school potty trained. I was praying he wouldn't regress because of a new potty environment and the automatic flush that scares him. He is doing well with that. I was going to bring some pull ups just in case and when I got them down from the closet, AJ saw me and said, "No momma, I big boy!" Rock on AJ!
I am looking to forward to continue to see and hear about all the things they are learning and teaching them more things at home. We are reading more bible stories lately and Jared remembers so many peoples names from the bible and previous stories I have read or told him about. I am going to start having him memorize more verses again. I am going to do a new one every three days. We are not sure how long they will be in this district, since we plan to move to San Angelo when it is possible. We are not trying to hurry now since Gabe needs to be careful and take it easy. All in God's timing. We are so thankful for the 2 wonderful families that are housing him for the time. Praise be to God.

1 comment:
Both AJ and Jared are so big! That is a really great morning ritual you have with Jared- just you and him eating breakfast together. What a great way to start off the day! I love the prayer he lifted up to your mom. That was beautiful!! I miss you so much! Love, Denise
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