The boys both had an Easter egg hunt on Friday at school. I got to be there for both of them. I was thankful AJ's was in the morning so he didn't get run over by the other 200 4 yr olds. AJ had me laughing. He even found on in his principal's pocket. He was more excited about finding one egg and then going down all the slides with it.

I told Jared the Easter bunny is fun ( just like Santa) but he will proudly tell you Jesus died for our sins and then rose again!

What a wonderful Easter weekend we had as a family. We worked on organizing and breaking things down to sell or give away. My dad brought us some furniture on Monday, so we had to make room not have more clutter.

Church was rockin' awesome and wow to be where the spirit is so strong is amazing. Gabe and I were actually asked to serve communion together. That is the first time I have done that and I loved it. I said every time, "His blood was shed for you brother/sister," with eye contact. I just love being there and I have grown so much in my faith and want to continue to grow. My fellow brother and sisters in Christ there hold me accountable in small and big ways and I like that. I am sad that we didn't get a family picture in our Easter clothes. But that is okay because Gabe was rebelling and had to wear something that totally clashed with us.=)

The rest of the day was relaxing and productive as well. We re-hide the boys eggs from school( they didn't need more candy or eggs). This time I just put a few quarters here or their in there. They loved that. Never take your family time for granted!

what an awesome Easter!!! Everything from your experience at church, to your dinner out, to hiding the eggs at your house!! Your a wonderful Mom and your family is blessed! Love and miss you!
We really enjoyed lunch with you and family and our St. Paul family last Sunday. Glad you mentioned your blog. Discovered today I saved the specific blog with pics of your Dad and Claudia so wasn't getting latest info. So on to catching up. Loving all the pics and comments. Hugs, MommaD
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