Well he was determined this year with 2009 being such a tough year in every way for us to do something very special for me. So it took awhile to come in past all those dates but I was just taken back and in awe.
Tomorrow would of been my mom's 60th birthday and she is still celebrating just in heaven with the angels. So today has been a hard day for me just thinking of tomorrow. I couldn't sleep last night after I saw the clock and the date on it and knew that tomorrow would be her birthday. I called my honey on his drive and he was the MOST comforting as he has been through this whole ordeal and helped me so much. We both agreed that we are happy that she is healthy on her birthday and not sick. We shared memories and even some that I didn't remember till that conversation.
So this morning I also had a chat with my dad which was hard because we both were having tears and missing my mom. Then I went to check the mail later and this came in the mail. I had cried so much earlier that morning that I didn't even have any tears left. These would be happy tears. This is a mosaic of my mom with so many precious memories of the Smith Family along with precious memories of my mom and dad. AJ saw it and said happily "Nana."
I begin to look at all the pictures and wow, is all I kept saying! I text Gabe because I didn't want to wake him but he immediately called back and I just couldn't say thank you enough to him. The pictures include everything to holidays, vacations, summers, weddings, my parents last dance in there kitchen, and my mom with my children in some different settings and memories, etc, etc. My favorite is my mom holding AJ on the playground when he was just a chubby baby. My favorite of Jared is the last time I took a picture of him and my mom when she was reading to him in June of 2009.
Click on the picture and you can see the small pictures in the mosaic.

Make sure you look at it from a distant unless you are looking up close at all the pictures.
I am going to have it matted and frame and it will be a family treasure forever!
Thank you so much again, honey. I know it took quite awhile to upload all these pics and so much time and it just means the world to me. I love you babe!

oh wow!! its soo pretty and such an amazing present!!
Amazing!!!! I love this!!!
what a beautiful heartfelt gift. You have one great husband - hang on him! :o)
That is the most awesome gift! Beautiful!
That is pretty pimp. Your husband clearly loves you.
Through the tears, I'll try to comment. Gift of perfection. No greater gift than sharing the memory of your precious Mom. Well done, Gabe. God knows. There is only one "Gabe and Sarah" and He made you for each other. Didn't realize the speakers were on so the music started my tears before I began to read. Love & hugs, Deanna
I left you a little something on my blog. Stop by when you have a minute.
i have an award for you on my blog!
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